Where you are from?-I am from Pennsauken, NewJersey
Have you had experience before?-Yes GM in two servers 1 shut down other is back up i think.
Why should we pick you?-I think you should pick me because I'm a great helper,I'm online -weekends 7-12am-2-5am (im on like hole day)
Weekdays-1:50pm wen i get out of school to 11pm when I'm a sleep (EST TIME), i throw events and i can ban hackers.
Why do you want to become a GM?-I wanna become a gm to help the community out with there needs. Also i think you should have a GM that's online alot to do his/her job.
Where have you played before?-I've played YummyStory, PrivateStory, OdinMS
Are you fermilliar with the commands?-Yes im fermilliar with v.55 commands-v.61 commands
How do you react on other people their questions?-Depending on the question i will answer it. if its about hacks i will say "hacking is not permitted on this server". Really it depends on the question.
(Tell something about yourself) Say things that can let me choose just you, do special things.- I'm a 14 year old mature boy. I've created private servers,joined them,helped in them. I'm very active on TrueStory. I'm legit and dislike hackers and do my best to stop them. My name is AJ.
Hope this works out.